Email Marketing – Types of Newsletters

Building a subscriber base you can email offers to is one of the most profitable things you are likely to do online.

However, building trust and credibility first is vital if you want people to respond to your offers. There are two types of newsletters you can send to your list, a promotional mail, or a trust-building mail.

Experts recommend sending at least two trust building mails for each promo mailings you send.

The Trust Building Mail

The emails you use to build a relationship with your list are very important, you can think of them as a pre-sell to your promotional emails. If your subscribers feel a connection with you and trust you, they are much more likely to later buy from you.

In these emails you should tell a bit about yourself, and allow your own personality to come through somewhat. You can tell a personal story or something funny or interesting that is relative to your niche.

In these emails you should give them valuable information for free, a free report, a useful audio or direct them to an interesting blog post you came across.

Promotional Mails

When sending a product affiliate link to your list, do not try to sell them in the email. This is the job of the product’s sales page.

A very simple “Hello Steven, How are you doing? I came across this muscle building guide and I thought I would share the link with you…” should suffice.

The only job of the email has to do is get the prospect to click on the link.

Most importantly, when looking for paid offers to send your subscribers, don’t just look for a product that has a nice fat commission. Take time to sort the mediocre stuff from the good, if you are sending your list bad offers, they will certainly not be happy with you, and will very likely unsubscribe.

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